Parts 1 and 2 measure fluent decoding speed at reading signs and counting star (signs with and without phonetic associations).
Parts 3 and 4 are measures of prefrontal control and flexibility based on (3) inhibiting a competing reading response (Stroop effect) and
(4) switching between two competing responses (Bohnen effect).
FDT does not explore the Default Mode Network (DMN) of the whole brain at rest, but only its Dorsal Attention Network (DAN).
Scores show only the functioning of the GAS PEDAL and the GEAR BOX of the brain.
The low contents of the F.D.T. actually penalize subjects with higher Vocabulary and Memory, making this test a much fairer cross-cultural test for disadvantaged populations.
SOURCES: Reading and Choosing (parts 1 and 3): Stroop 1935;
Switching (Part 4): Bohnen & al, 1992.
Digital non-reading adaptation: Sedo, 1995, 1996.
FDT scores correspond to just one page of oral responses, At this test length, FDT scores present larger kurtosis and asymmetry, which help separate healthy and clinical subjects. Still, much higher functioning Ss. may be better represented when we require the reading of 150 items on situations 3 and 4 (Delaere, 2017, personal communication).
“ORAL TRAILS” (O.T.)’s Five Situations
A and B: visual search and mental tracking with delayed responses (as in the T.M.T.)
1, 2, 3 : processing speed, executive speed, switching speed (as in the F.D.T.).

Who also adopted the stupendous “switching situation” (originally created by Bohnen. N., Twijnstra, A. & Jolles, J. in 1992 and adapted in 1995 by the FDT to a fresh-new numerical presentation) to her classical D-KEFS Battery (Delis, D., Kaplan, E. F. & Cramer, J., 2001). The reference to the three original authors on page 385 of the D-KEFS battery (taken from Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 1992, 85 (2): 116-121) may be partially misquoted, but reproduces a complete copy of the original 1992 Bohnen & al. switching situation. FIVE DIGIT TEST introduced its “digital, prereading, omnilingual adaptation” of the Bohnen & al 1992 situation through the reading and counting of groups of digits. It was first presented in in 1995 in Angers (France) at the XVII Midyear Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, under the title: Sedó, M., A., Levenson, R. & Leonard, A. Reading-Free Stroop Interference Tests: Automatic and Effortful Processing tasks. JINS, 1995, 1 (2) 1993. FIVE DIGIT TEST was also presented to the Scientific Fair of the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society (Boston) as: Sedo, M.A. (1996) Experimental and conventional Stroop and Trail-Making Tests. In the following years, research pieces were published by researchers in Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Greece, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Venezuela, Zurich, etc, including research pieces in indigenous languages such as Mayan, Nahuatl and Zapotecan; comparison of healthy and MCI illiterate subjects (Buenos Aires); research in Andean Argentina with unmedicated schizophrenic patients, siblings and neighbors. Initial journal papers were only published in 2001 (Revista Española de Neuropsicología, 3, 3: 68-82) and 2004 (Revista Española de Neurología, 38, 9, 824-828). In 2004, “Five Digit Test” was awarded the initial Edith B. Kaplan Award of the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Association. Editions of the test FDT were published by TEA Ediciones, Madrid (2007) and Sao Paulo CETEPP/HOGREFE (2-15). The second Spanish edition is being prepared at this time (2019).
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(2015) Transcultural issues on the assessment of executive functions and processing speed in older adults with low formal education: Usefulness of the Five Digit Test in the assessment of dementia. Geriatrics and Gerontology, International, (3) 388-389. de Paula, J.J., De Souza, D., Nunes, E., & al (2012) Automatic and controlled attentional processes in amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment: The use of a mini-verbal test. psych). de Paula, J. , Teixeira, R., Costa & al (2011) Assessing processing speed and executive functions in low educated older adults: Use of the Five Digit Test in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild cognitive Impairment and Major Depressive Disorder. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 8, 6, 339-346. González-Alemán. G. (2006) Descripción y cuantificación del endofenotipo cognitivo en una población indígena con esquizofrenia virgen de tratamiento, y demostración de la esquizotaxia en los hermanos sanos Buenos Aires Medical Shool (Unpublished doctoral dissertation.) Franzen, S., van dwer Berg, E., Goudsmith, M., Jurgens, C. K., van de Wiel, L., Kalkisim, Y., Uysal-Bozkir, O., Ayhan, A. T., Nielsen, T. & Papma, J. M. (2019) A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological Tests for the Assessment of Dementia in Non-Western, Low-Educated or Illiterate Populations. Journal of the Inter- National Neuropsychological Society, September, pp. 1-21. Haase, V. G., Julio-Costa, A., Lopez-Silva, J. B., , Starling-Alves, I., Antunez, A. , Pinheiro-Chagas, P. & Wood, G. (2014) Contributions from specific and general factors to unique deficits: two cases of mathematics learning difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology: Hsieh, J. (1998) People’s Republic of China: Neuropsychological Performance of Older, Well-Educated Adults. Poster at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, August. Hutchison, K.A., Balota, D.A. & Duchek, J. M. (2010) The utility of Stroop task switching as a marker for early stage Alzheimer Disease. Psychology of Aging, 25 (3) ; 545-559. Ibarra, M. (2009). Marcadores Psicológicos en el Espectro Autista desde una Aproximación Neuropsicológica. Proyecto de Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. Lang, J. A. (2001) Validation of the Five Digit Test in a clinical sample: an alternative to the Stroop Color-Word task with possible cultural implications. San Francisco, CA: Alliant University. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation.) Navarro, S. I. (2008) Literates’ and illiterates’ Performance at a Digital Form of the Stroop Test. Paper presented to the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society, M.I.T. Faculty Club, Boston. Nielsen, T. R., Segers, K., Vanderaspoilden, V., Bekkus-Wetterberg, P., MInthon, L., Pissiota, A, & al. (2018) Performance of middle age and elderly European minority and majority populations on a Cross- Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB). Clinical Neuropsychologist, 18, 643-662. Paiva, G C., Costa, D. de S., Fialho, M. B. & de Paula, J. J. (2015) Ecological validity of the Five Digit Test and ihe Oral Trails test. Arquivos de Neuropsiquiatria, Nov. (pp 1-6).) Sedo, M. A. (2013) Speed of cross-modal interconnections in automatic and conflictive reading. INS-NET Bulletin (Spring). Sedo, M. A. (2007) Five Digit Test (Test de los Cinco Digitos). Manual. Madrid, TEA Ediciones. Sedo, M. A. (2004). Test de las Cinco Cifras: una alternativa multilingue y no lectora al test de Stroop. Revista Espanola de Neurologia, 38, 9, 824-828. Sedó, M. A. (2001) Digital form of the Stroop can be used in other languages and cultures. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 7 (4), 420. Sedó, M. A. (1997). Estudio normativo del “Stroop de Cinco Cifras” en chino mandarin. V Congress of the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neuropsicología (S.L.A.N.), Guadalajara, Mexico (p. 33). Sedo, M. A. (1996) Experimental Stroop test non-reading and non-English-speakers. The Clinical Neuropsych- ologist, 11, (5), 446-447. Sedo, M. 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